Mom - Wife - Artist
I could not create without first being created by an Almighty Creator. As I reflect back on the journey, my life has been a perfect series of misunderstood twists that has led me to this passion-filled career. Through every season, the Lord has guided me to this particular spot by no merit of my own. I will say that He has given me a particular grace in the form of art...but I could never have known His plan for that gift.
Boudoir came to me at precisely the right moment, and I don't say that just for something to say, it's true. After six years of shooting photos of anything under the sun, boudoir allowed me to hone in on the thing I've always loved about photography outside of creating art - making women feel beautiful.
To be completely frank, I was naive and judgey when I was younger and I really didn't get why the heck someone would do a shoot like this. Until I experienced real self esteem issues.
I had just given birth daughter when a few previous clients had reached out to me to see if I'd be interested in shooting boudoir for them, and although I had no experience, I felt led to say yes because I finally understood the value of it. While I was so joyful to have my sweet girl in my arms, I simultaneously felt the loss of my confidence and no matter what my husband said or did I couldn't shake that feeling and it sucked big time.
So, I said screw that and I became what I needed for other women...for you. I became someone to support you, and show and tell you you're beautiful just as you are. Even the things that you might not love. I know you, like myself, were created by a Divine Creator in His image and for that you are absolutely perfect.